The series “Wealth!” on Yahoo Finance is a comprehensive guide to personal finance, designed to help individuals manage their financial lives effectively. Hosted by Brad Smith, the show features a community of experts who provide resources, tools, tips, and tricks to grow one’s wealth. The series covers a wide range of topics, including estate planning, investing in Bitcoin, child care costs, and long-term financial planning.
In the premiere episode, Tyrone Ross, founder of 401 Financial, emphasized the importance of financial literacy and highlighted the benefits of estate planning for all Americans, not just the wealthy. Jade Warshaw, a financial coach from Ramsey Solutions, discussed the housing market, the best time to purchase a home, and the crucial steps to ensure a successful home-buying experience. Lawrence Sprung, author of “Financial Planning Made Personal,” debunked misconceptions about retirement, stating that one can retire earlier by starting early and making informed financial decisions.
The series also features Ross Mac, founder of Maconomics, who shared his insights on investing in Bitcoin, child care costs, and factoring rising inflation into long-term financial plans. The show aims to cut through financial jargon and provide actionable advice to help viewers make informed decisions about their money. With its live hour from 11 am to 12 pm EST, Monday to Friday, “Wealth!” offers a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and build a secure financial future.